



Writers write for a reason and it isn’t money! They write to have their words read, to share their stories with the world. This story has been tucked away for too long.

Karayana began in August 2001, a story with no real purpose other than an intense need to write. I was learning internal QiGong at the time and it inspired my imagination into writing about a  fantasy land. I continued writing this off and on for five years and eventually sent it off to a few publishers. Of course I received rejection letters. But on reflection the book needed more writing, more direction, and purpose. I fleshed it out, found it was to be a trilogy, and renamed it from its working title of Karayana, one of the main characters, to Breath of The Gods. I never did any more with it.

Today I was led to the dusty box under my bed that contained all the notes, maps, and discs of writing from this story. I remembered with a pang, all the characters, and re read some parts. I MISSED those characters! And I decided enough was enough. The book needed to be read!

So on this blog, I will share it, a chapter at a time. I will probably rewrite bits along the way. I may be inspired to add new things, and I hope to be inspired to carry on writing it.

You might like it. You might hate it. But at least it will be seen, read, and may touch a few people in ways that I always dreamed it would.

If you like it, share it with others, send them here. After all who doesn’t want a free fantasy fiction book to read?! 🙂

If you find parts are slow, please bear with me. Perhaps add comments, ideas, criticisms along the way.

But most of all help a poor writer fulfill her dream….to be read!

The story starts with the Prologue.

2 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve read only the first chapter and I’m intrigued to read further! This book should be published. Write, write, write Kirsten! You have an amazing gift!! I can’t wait for our chat tomorrow! ❤


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